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【电脑技术】与Everything类似的文件搜索神器 UltraSearch v4.0.2.859 x64

【电脑技术】与Everything类似的文件搜索神器 UltraSearch v4.0.2.859 x64  第1张UltraSearch一款超快的文件搜索软件,数秒就可以在硬盘中帮您搜索出文件,比系统自带的快N倍。UltraSearch并不是通过建立索引或后台处理,它是通过查看NTFS分区的主文件表(MFT)来快速找到文件。类似的快速搜索工具还有Everything,UltraSearch搜索文件比较精确但是不支持HTTP/FTP服务器,而Everything就支持HTTP、ETP/FTP服务器,推荐两款都配合用。


  • 简单易用 – 直观、简洁的用户界面增强简单性与无与伦比的易用性;
  • 实时搜索 – 执行输入搜索词的同时立刻得到文件查找结果;
  • 高级搜索 – 支持输入正则表达式、通配符,文件内容搜索功能;
  • 独创搜索技术 – 不会在硬盘中创建索引,直接通过主文件表提速,能够识别 NTFS 硬链接;
  • 导出 – 根据不同条件对搜索结果进行排序,将其打印或者导出为文本和 CSV 文件;
  • 搜索方案 – 支持保存最近使用的搜索方案并从下拉列表中选择(推荐方案、手输方案)
  • 其他扩展 – 集成到 Windows 系统右键菜单、绿色便携版,解压即用,无需安装;
  • 用户界面 – 支持多国语言(含简体中文版、默认为英文版)用户操作界面;


注意:压缩包里面的Settings.xml是便携版配置文件,如果删除,会在appdata目录产生jam software目录,并且里面也会产生Settings.xml配置文件。


Version 3.0 (29 September 2020)

New Features

  • Starting with this version, UltraSearch offers a Professional Edition with extended functionality. You can find more information on our website.
  • Searching on network drives is now supported.
  • The user interface has been updated and adapted to the ribbon design of Windows Explorer.
  • In addition to the NTFS file system, other file systems such as Fat32 or exFat can be searched.
  • New file operations can be used to conveniently move, delete and zip selected files and much more. (Professional Edition only)
  • The HTML and Excel export have been revised and are now exclusively available in the ‘Professional Edition’.
  • The result list can now also be exported to a PDF file. (Professional Edition only)
  • The input mask for search patterns has been completely revised and the input fields for file names, file types and file contents have been combined into one common input field.
  • The new “Query Composer” supports you with an extended input mask and detailed explanations when entering your search.
  • UltraSearch now offers its own search syntax with which the search queries can be formulated even more precisely. For more information please refer to our help file.
  • For a better selection of results, element checkboxes for the result list can be activated under ‘View’. (Professional Edition only)
  • The program hotkey can now be freely configured in the options menu.
  • After entering a search pattern, you can switch to the result list by pressing the F3 key.
  • The keywords of the new language syntax are now highlighted in color for a better overview.
  • Incorrect entries when using the new language syntax are displayed in red.
  • The search can now be stopped using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + Enter.
  • Support for Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 has been discontinued with this version.


  • The product logo has been updated. (Professional Edition only)
  • UltraSearch is now also available in Italian, Greek, Slovenian, Czech, Chinese (Simplified) and Korean.
  • The language of the user interface can be changed without restarting the program.
  • Office, video or audio files can be conveniently searched for at the push of a button using the file type search in the new ribbon bar.
  • UltraSearch can now be started without administrator rights.


  • In the options menu you now can create a portable version of UltraSearch if required. (Professional Edition only)
  • Opening URL files by double-clicking now works correctly.
  • The import of file types in the file groups now works without freezing the application.
  • When exporting file information to an Excel file, the application sometimes stopped responding to user input. This problem has been fixed.
  • An error during printing that caused an empty result list to be printed has been fixed.

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